jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
1.       He was dancing rap
2.       You avere swimming in the land
3.       He was running in the park
4.       She was singing opera
5.       We were writing songs
6.       She was reading a novel
7.       I was standing from English
8.       They were playing beisbol
9.       We were dancing reggae
10.   She was cooking food Mexican
11.   You were jumping be hoppy
12.   She was writing in the notebook
13.   He was singing songs romantic
14.   We were playing soccer
15.   I was talking from Andy

Forma interrogativa
1.       Was she wating a novel?
2.       Was I cooking Mexican food?
3.       Were they singing opera?
4.       Was the witting the homework?
5.       Was the summing in the ocean?
6.       Were we jumping many?
7.       Were they singing songs ranch?
8.       Was she reading a new pupey?
9.       Were you studding fronch?
10.   Were we cooking food chinesse?
11.   Was I playing basket-boll?
12.   Was I dancing for 4 hours?
13.   Were they singing the song you beautiful?
14.   Was I listening the radio?
15.   Was she booking the program?

Forma negativa
1.       We weren’t writing sonsi
2.       They weren’t playing beisbol
3.       We weren’t dancing reggae
4.       She wasn’t reading a novel
5.       She wasn’t cooking food Mexican
6.       I wasn’t studding flou English
7.       We weren’t playing soccer
8.       I wasn’t dancing rap
9.       You weren’t swimming the Isla
10.   He wasn’t singing song opera
11.   We wasn’t running in the park
12.   You weren’t jumping he haper
13.   I wasn’t studding to English
14.   She want swriting in the notebook
15.   He wasn’t singing sunny romantic

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